Safety concepts
Aki enforces several safety concepts at compile time, similar to Rust's borrow checker but with some unique characteristics.
Ownership and Borrowing
fn example() {
let data : String = "hello".to_string();
consume_string(data); // Ownership transferred
// Using data here would be a compile error
var value : i32 = 42;
let ref : &i32 = &value; // Immutable borrow
// let mut_ref : &mut i32 = &mut value; // Error: can't borrow mutably while immutable borrow exists
print(*ref); // Dereference with *
fn consume_string(s: String) { // Takes ownership
// s is dropped at end of scope
Safe Mutability
fn demonstrate_mut() {
let mut data : Vec<i32>();
let ref1 = &mut data; // First mutable borrow
// let ref2 = &mut data; // Error: only one mutable borrow at a time
let shared1 : &Vec<i32> = &data; // Multiple immutable borrows OK
let shared2 : &Vec<i32> = &data; // This is fine
// data.push(42); // Error: can't modify while borrowed
Instead of null, Aki uses Option types (denoted by the '?' on the return type):
Option Types
fn divide(a: i32, b: i32) : i32? {
if (b == 0) {
return null;
return a / b;
fn use_division() {
let result : i32? = divide(10, 2);
if (result == null)
print("Division by zero");